Heel-To-Toe Walk

Heel-To-Toe Walk – Martial Arts Balance Exercise

This page provides details on the “Walk Heel-to-Toe” exercise. This balance exercise is better known as an exercise for seniors. However, it is also used as a martial arts training tool, especially if you encourage your students to perform this exercise with their eyes closed. It is also a way to add some levity to your martial arts classes when students mess up this “easy” exercise with their eyes closed.

For other balance exercises, please visit Black Belt Wiki’s main Martial Arts Balance section.

Instructions for the Heel-To-Toe Walk

  • Walk in a straight line.
  • Place the heel of your lead foot directly in front of the toes of the rear foot when it lands.
  • There should be only a minimal gap between the heel of the lead foot and toes of the rear foot.
  • To make this balance exercise more difficult, try doing it with your eyes closed.

Instructions for the Heel-To-Toe Walk