540 Crescent Kick – Martial Arts Technique

This page provides details on the martial arts 540 crescent kick. This is an advanced spinning version of the basic crescent kick. For information on other martial arts kicks (i.e. axe kick), please visit Black Belt Wiki’s main kicking techniques page.

The 540 crescent kick requires a martial artist to have excellent flexibility. All 540 degree kicks are spectacular spinning kicks. They are great for kicking demonstrations and breaking techniques. However, they are not very practical for self-defense applications. Other examples of 540 degree kicks include the 540 Roundhouse Kick and 540 Spinning Hook Kick.

Martial arts kicks and all other martial arts techniques should only be practiced under the supervision of a trained martial arts instructor in order to prevent injuries and to ensure the proper technique is utilized. In addition, all martial arts techniques and training should be used safely and responsibly.

Video for the 540 Crescent Kick