Shotokan Dojo Kun – English & Japanese Versions

This page looks at Shotokan Dojo Kun. These are 5 rules that govern behavior in the Shotokan dojo and everyday life. Below are English and Japanese versions of this Dojo Kun. The Dojo Kun is usually posted on the dojo’s walls. In addition, the Dojo Kun is often recited by the whole class at the end of each training session.

However, be aware that the English version can differ modestly from dojo to dojo. Check with your Sensei. We have listed below some of the alternative English language versions below as well as the Japanese version of the Dojo Kun. In addition, some Shotokan use the short version of the Dojo Kun. If you need to learn the Japanese pronunciation for the Dojo Kun, you can learn it by listening to the video below. FYI – Shotokan students should also know the 20 Shotokan Principles.

English Version of Shotokan Dojo Kun

  1. Each person must strive for the completion and perfection of one’s character
  2. Each person must be faithful and protect the way of truth
  3. Each person must endeavor
    • Alternative Versions – To foster the spirit of effort, Put the maximum effort into everything you do, etc.
  4. Each person must respect others and the rules of etiquette
  5. Each person must refrain from hot blooded behavior
    • Alternative Versions – To guard against impetuous courage, etc.

English – Short Version – An alternative used by some Shotokan schools

  1. Seek perfection of character
  2. Be faithful
  3. Endeavor
  4. Respect others
  5. Refrain from violent behavior

Japanese Version

  1. Hitotsu Jinkaku Kansei Ni Tsutomeru Koto
  2. Hitotsu Makoto No Michi Wo Mamoru Koto
  3. Hitotsu Doryoku No Seishin Wo Yashinau Koto
  4. Hitotsu Reigi Wo Omonzuru Koto
  5. Hitotsu Kekki No Yu Wo Imashimuru Koto

Related Pages

Shotokan Dojo Kun – Explanation of Concepts

Shotokan Dojo Kun – Japanese Pronunciation

Reference Sources

  1. Wikipedia, Dojo Kun,
  2. International Shotokan Karate Federation, Dojo Kun,