Sumo Squat Twist Stretch

Here are details on the Sumo Squat Twist Stretch. This stretch loosens a martial artist’s groin, thighs and back. Stretching exercises are often used before and after martial arts classes. They are used to improve flexibility and/or to loosen students up in preparation for kata, kicking exercises, punching techniques, etc.

The Sumo Squat Twist Stretch involves the martial artist lowering themselves into a wide squat position. They then press their hands on the inside of their thighs (not the knees) in order to slowly twist their back. The martial artist often holds the stretch for 30 seconds on one side then slowly twists in the other direction (i.e. twist right for 30 seconds and then left for 30 seconds).

All stretches and exercises should be supervised by a trained martial arts instructor in order to prevent injuries and to ensure the proper technique is utilized. If you have had an injury or are in pain, please see a doctor before starting any stretching or exercise program. For more information on flexibility and stretching exercises, please visit Black Belt Wiki’s main section on Martial Arts Stretching.

WikiBest Books on Stretching

Instructional Video on the Sumo Squat Twist Stretch