Uneven Push-Ups – Instructions & Videos

This page provides instructions for uneven push-ups. This strength training exercise is an advanced push-up variation and is used to improve muscle strength in the chest, shoulders, arms, etc. An uneven push-up is where an athlete performs a push-up with one hand on an elevated object or surface and the other hand on the ground. Strength training helps to develop more powerful martial arts kicks, punches and grappling techniques. For other types of push-ups (i.e. clapping push-ups or decline push-ups), please visit Black Belt Wiki’s main List of Push-Up Variations section.

Please watch the instructional videos below to see how this exercise is performed.

The uneven push-up exercise is for experienced & conditioned athletes only because it is an advanced push-up variation. All stretches and exercises should be supervised by a trained martial arts instructor in order to prevent injuries and to ensure the proper technique is utilized. If you have had an injury or are in pain, please see a doctor before starting any stretching or exercise program. For other types of exercises, please visit Black Belt Wiki’s main Strength Training section.

Uneven Push-Up Instructions

  • Get into a push-up position then support yourself on one arm as you put your other hand on a small, solid object or short elevation.
  • Your hands should be directly below your shoulders.
  • Keep your weight evenly distributed between both hands and bend the elbows and shoulders until your chest touches the top of the hand on the object.
  • Pause for a second then push back up to the start position. This is one repetition.
  • Make sure to work both sides equally.
  • Keep the body in a straight line during the exercise. Engage the back, core and glutes to help with this push-up.
  • Keep the feet together and arms at shoulder width.
  • Perform each rep with control and as smoothly as possible.
  • This exercise helps work towards archer push-ups and one arm push-up, as more of the work is shifted to one side.

Potential objects to use for uneven push-ups – Athletes can place their hand on bricks, push-up handles, exercise step platforms (aerobic steps), the first step of a porch, etc. More advanced athletes occasionally use less stable items such as a basketball or medicine ball for an even more intense workout. You can get creative, especially at public parks, but make sure that whatever you use is safe and sturdy.

The exercise can be made harder by putting the off hand higher, which shifts even more of the work to the other side. Start by using one brick under the off hand, and add a brick when you have become accustomed to it. Alternatively, you can use gradually higher objects in your environment. A basketball also makes the exercise harder, as you have to stabilize the ball. Trainers recommend starting with low objects first in order to learn how to perform this exercise. After mastering low objects, athletes can try higher objects and eventually build up to the use of an unsteady basketball or medicine ball. Make sure that any objects you use are safe and sturdy.

Progressing the technique – Changing the hand position makes the exercise more intense as well. Once you are accustomed to using higher objects, you can progress from uneven push-ups to lever push-ups (off arm out straight to the side) by straightening the arm out a bit each workout. Once you are accustomed to lever push-ups, move on to archer push-ups.

Instructional Videos for Uneven Push-Ups

Reference Sources

  1. Exercise instructions kindly provided by Owen J.
  2. Material on this page may not be copied or reproduced.