Vertical Punch – Martial Arts Technique

This page provides details for the vertical punch (or vertical fist punch). This is where the fist is positioned vertically for a punch versus the horizontal fist placement see in most traditional punches. While this punching technique is less commonly used than horizontal punches, vertical punches are practiced by many martial arts. Nevertheless, the vertical punch is used more associated with styles such as Isshin-Ryu Karate, Wing Chun, etc. For information on other punching techniques (i.e. spinning back fist), please visit Black Belt Wiki’s main Martial Arts Punches section.

Proponents of vertical punches (versus horizontal punches) believe the following about vertical punches:

1. They are faster because vertical punches lack the corkscrew motion of horizontal punches.
2. They are stronger because there is less twisting of the arm and thus more complete use of the triceps muscle (found on the back of the upper arm).
3. They are better able to slip through the middle of two blocking arms guarding an opponent’s face.
4. Mechanically, it is well suited for some strikes such as a close range hook punch to the ribs.

Martial arts punches & strikes and all other martial arts techniques should only be practiced under the supervision of a trained martial arts instructor in order to prevent injuries and to ensure the proper technique is utilized.

Vertical Punches versus Horizontal Punches