Wado-Ryu Kumite Kihon – Ipponme

Wado-Ryu Kumite Kihon – Ipponme (Kumite Kihon 1)

This page provides details for Wado-Ryu Kumite Kihon – Ipponme. This technique is also known as Wado-Ryu Kumite Kihon 1.

For other kihon techniques, please visit the main Wado-Ryu Kihon Kumite section. If you are looking for additional kumite techniques, please visit the main Karate Kumite section.

Instructions for Technique

After bowing, the attacker takes one step forward and the defender takes one step backward, each assuming migi Zenkutsu-dachi (right basic stance).

  • Attacker (Torre)
  1. Migi Zenkutsu-dachi (right basic stance)
  2. Migi Tsukkomi Jodan – Right high lunge punch
  3. Migi Gyakuzuki Chudan – Right middle reverse punch
  • Defender (Uke)
  1. Migi Zenkutsu-dachi (right basic stance)
  2. Move body obliquely backward and twist body to left to avoid punch while doing right Nagashi Soto-uke (middle block) to avoid punch. Be careful to:

a) Move both left and right foot.
b) Present side viewing stance to the opponent.
c) Do Nagashi Soto-uke backward to help attack pass by.

  1. Simultaneously:

Turn body to avoid punch, right Nagashi Gedan-barai (low block), left Ura-zuki (back punch) to body.
Be careful to:
a) Pull target area (right side of body) back to avoid punch.
b) Do Nagashi Gedan-barai backward to help attack pass by.
c) Use energy of the body twist to accelerate the Ura-zuki toward the opponent.

Instructional Video for Wado-Ryu Kumite Kihon Ipponme (Kihon 1)

Reference Sources

  1. Written instructions provided by the students of Kentai Karate, http://www.kentaikarate.co.uk