Wado-Ryu Kumite Kihon – Kyuhonme

Wado-Ryu Kumite Kihon – Kyuhonme (Kumite Kihon 9)

This page provides details for Wado-Ryu Kumite Kihon – Kyuhonme. This technique is also known as Wado-Ryu Kumite Kihon 9.

For other kihon techniques, please visit the main Wado-Ryu Kihon Kumite section. If you are looking for additional kumite techniques, please visit the main Karate Kumite section.

Instructions for Wado-Ryu – Kumite Kihon 9

After bowing, the attacker takes one step forward and the defender takes one step backward.

  • Attacker (Torre)
  1. Migi Zenkutsu-dachi (Right basic stance)
  2. Lunge forward with Migi Tsukkomi Chudan (Right middle level punch)
  3. Hidari Gyakuzuki Chudan (Left middle level reverse punch)
  • Defender (Uke)
  1. Migi Zenkutsu-dachi (Right basic stance)
  2. Pivot on the right leg anti-clockwise (moving to the right) and cover attack with Migi Nagashi Soto-uke Chudan (Right middle level middle block)
  3. Pivot on the right leg clockwise (moving to the left) and cover attack with Migi Nagashi Soto-uke Chudan (Right middle level middle block) while simultaneously punching with Hidari Chokuzuki Jodan (Left head height straight punch)
  • Notes
  1. When practicing this kihon take care not to practice repeatedly at full force as this can cause damage to the forearms

Wado-Ryu – Kumite Kihon 9

Wado-Ryu – Kumite Kihon 1-10

Reference Sources

  1. Written instructions provided by the students of Kentai Karate, www.kentaikarate.co.uk