The Matrix – Martial Arts Movie

The Matrix is a 1999 martial arts movie starring Keanu Reeves (as Neo), Laurence Fishburne (as Morpheus) and Hugo Weaving (as evil Agent Smith). While this is a science fiction movie, it is also a wonderful martial arts movie. The hero, Neo, learns various martial arts in order to combat enemies in the computer generated “reality” of the matrix.

The movie review website, Rotten Tomatoes, gave a score of 87% to this movie. According to Rotten Tomatoes, The Matrix is an “ingenious combination of Hong Kong action, ground-breaking Hollywood FX, and an imaginative vision.”

For information on other famous martial arts movies, please visit Black Belt Wiki’s Best Martial Arts MoviesBest Samurai Movies or Martial Arts Movies for Kids sections.

Movie Trailer for The Matrix


  1. Rotten Tomatoes, The Matrix,