Wing Chun Forms

List of Wing Chun Forms

This section focuses on the basic forms (katas) used in Wing Chun. The principles, theories and techniques of Wing Chun are founded on the three hand forms, a wooden dummy form and two weapons forms. Nevertheless, please be aware that some Wing Chun schools teach additional forms, skip certain forms and/or make modifications to the basic forms.

Wiki – Wing Chun Books

Wing Chun Forms

It is very important when learning the forms to emphasize each individual movement, paying close attention to your structure (i.e. Tan Sau and Fook Sau in Siu Nim Tao) so that your practice will carry over to application. Forms aid in building strength as well as learning your own anatomy through feeling. Forms are also designed to be used much like scales in music. It is said that eighty percent of Wing Chun is contained within the first form, Siu Nim Tao. The form means little idea, and that is just what it is meant to be. Each movement within the form may serve as an idea which an individual can infinitely expand on given a set of circumstances. The forms also teach proper structure, establish center-line, and emphasize forward movement. They are also used for mental cultivation and as meditation.

Reference Sources

  1. Samuel Kwok Wing Chun Association,